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Eye Care

Resolve To Take Care of Your Eyes in the New Year!

Sunday, January 15th, 2023

Having healthy eyes and good vision are precious things, but all too often we do things that may be dangerous for our eyes, or we just plain don’t take care of them like we should. Making an extra effort to take care of your eyes doesn't take a lot of time, but it can make...  Read More

Tips for Adjusting to Your New Bifocals

Friday, July 15th, 2022

There are many changes to adjust to as we get older – and for most of us, that includes changes to vision. You may have trouble seeing far away – but you also may have trouble seeing up close. The good news is that there is help available from your eye doctor. There are different solutions...  Read More

Sunglasses Are for More Than Just Looking Cool

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Everyone looks cool in sunglasses – that’s just a fact. But sunglasses also serve an important purpose. They give your eyes the protection they need from harsh sun and wind. Read on for some more information about the importance of wearing sunglasses. When should you wear sunglasses? The answer is: all the time! Even on cloudy days,...  Read More

The Importance of Eye Protection

Tuesday, March 15th, 2022

Taking care of your eyes is an important thing to do every day, but it is especially important if you work around dangerous materials, whether during work or for a hobby such as woodworking. Here is some information about proper eye protection and how important it is! What kind of eye protection do you need? There...  Read More

What You Need to Know About Pink Eye

Monday, February 14th, 2022

If your kid has never had pink eye, count yourself lucky! It is very common and spreads very easily. But it doesn’t just affect kids – adults can get it too. Here are some other things you might not know about pink eye, when to see a doctor, and what you can do if you or...  Read More

Eat These Foods for Healthy Eyes!

Friday, October 15th, 2021

Having a nutritious diet is important for many reasons – and one of these is that eating the right foods can help you to have healthy eyes, have good vision, and also can lower your risk of eye diseases. If you are interested in some easy, delicious ways to keep your eyes healthy, read on! ...  Read More

What is PRK and how can it improve my vision?

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

At Marion Eye Center and Optical, our doctors are dedicated to helping patients feel good about themselves while improving their vision health. While many patients who wear corrective prescription eyeglasses and contacts would like to eliminate them from their daily routine, not everyone is a proper candidate for laser eye surgery such as LASIK. In...  Read More

Opthamologist or Optometrist?

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

There are so many types of physicians and specialists that it can be hard to know exactly who will be the most helpful for you and the specific situation you’re in. Keep reading to learn more about the differences between ophthalmologists and optometrists. Optometrists An optometrist is an eye doctor who is trained to examine...  Read More

Eye Care for Diabetics

Friday, February 15th, 2019

Adjusting your exercise, managing sugar intake, and eating right are important when it comes to managing your diabetes. If you have been living with diabetes for a while, then you probably know everything you need to do. But, if you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may still be learning about all the ways...  Read More

Why Would I Need Eye Exercises?

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

Many people utilize eye exercises to support their eye health. And though you may not have ever heard of eye exercises, you may know people who are very familiar with them. For example, did you know that snipers in the military often utilize a small set of exercises that help them focus on objects far...  Read More

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

Can you imagine what life was like just fifty years ago? If you remember what it was like, doesn’t it seem like everything has changed? Technology has gifted us so many tremendous things in just the last fifty years. We can hop on a plane and fly across the world, talk to anyone at anytime...  Read More

Keeping Your Eyes Safe This Summer

Friday, June 15th, 2018

Summer is here to stay–we hope. We’re ready for warm summer nights, barbeques, and days spent fishing on the river. We know those lazy summer days are calling to all of us, but that doesn’t mean you need to be lazy about your eye safety this summer. Keep reading to learn all the basics of...  Read More

Why Women Need to Keep a Watchful Eye on Eye Health

Sunday, October 15th, 2017

Eye health. It is as important to our long-term quality of life as is our blood pressure or overall ability to maintain physical comfort. Most of us value our eyesight; and yet, the awareness about eye disease, and the potential for eye conditions that could impede our vision tends to simmer on the back burner,...  Read More

3 common eye issues and what they mean

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

Our eyes can reveal a lot about our current well being. Eye strain, eye redness, eye twitch, and dry eye are typically minor problems, but important factors in helping us feel at our best. If you are experiencing any of these issues, consider what you can do to alleviate it today: Eye strain: If you...  Read More

Are you Putting your Eyes at Risk?

Monday, May 15th, 2017

As summer quickly approaches, more people are thinking about skin cancer and their personal risk for this frightening but common disease. Consumers are strolling the aisles looking for high SPF products to carry with them throughout their busy summer; they may even purchase a hat to wear on long days at the pool. But is...  Read More

Top Reasons for Eye Pain

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

It’s not uncommon to have sore eyes at some stage of your life. Eye pain can happen on its own, but sometimes eye pain is paired with one of the following: Blurry vision Gritty eye or the feeling like something is in the eye Sensitivity to light Headache Excessive tearing Red eye Nausea Vomiting Discharge...  Read More

Vision Over 40: How to Improve Your Night Driving

Friday, July 15th, 2016

As we age, our vision inevitably changes. And for many, that means increased difficulty perceiving and reacting to unexpected events when driving, especially at night. To make sure you’re staying safe on the nighttime roads, here are some simple precautions to take. -          Drive on streets you know. Driving at night can be risky when...  Read More

What to do About Pink Eye

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

Pink eye (or conjunctivitis) is a common eye condition that typically affects grade school-aged children. It’s also prevalent among teachers and day care works due to their close contact with children in a classroom environment. That being said, pink eye can affect anyone. A highly contagious infection, pink eye develops when the thin, clear covering...  Read More

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