What is a macular hole?
Friday, January 15th, 2021, 8:00 amDo you experience blurry or distorted central vision? Are you finding that your vision is impacted to the point where you cannot see fine detail or read? Changes in your vision can happen for a variety of different reasons, which is why patients are encouraged to have routine eye evaluations performed to monitor their vision health. If you are noticing changes such as these, you may find that you have a condition called a macular hole.
What is a macular hole?
The team at Marion Eye Center and Optical describes the macular hole as a break in the macula in the retina of the eyeball. This is the light-sensitive area that is used to provide sharp central vision. Macular holes can be a result of the vitreous inside of the eye shrinking and pulling away. This commonly occurs as a natural part of aging, but can cause the development of a macular hole.
How is a macular hole treated?
Patients who have been diagnosed with a macular hole may be curious to learn about the ways in which it can be treated. Macular holes are often repaired during a procedure known as a vitrectomy. This is a surgery during which a gas is injected into the macular hole to act as a bandage to keep it closed. This gas remains in the eyes for several months to provide restored vision and address the macular hole effectively.
Am I a candidate for vitrectomy?
There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to candidacy for vitrectomy to address a macular hole. A thorough evaluation with a professional at Marion Eye Center and Optical is the first step to get a proper diagnosis. Then, treatment can be discussed with our professionals to determine one’s candidacy for this or other procedures.
Do you suspect a macular hole?
Connect with a professional at Marion Eye Center and Optical across Illinois and Missouri to find out more about this and other eye conditions that may impact your vision health. We have 36 convenient locations available for both new and current patients.
Category: macular hole