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How to care for contact lenses

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, 4:05 am

There are many types of contact lenses on the market today, and some of them can be used for extended periods of time. However, if patients do not properly care for their contact lenses, they may experience a wide range of problems. The doctors of Marion Eye Center and Optical encourage patients to take care of their contact lenses to ensure healthy eyes and reduce the risk of infection or common eye conditions.

How to care for contact lenses

The team of Marion Eye Center and Optical encourages patients to care for their contact lenses properly. Below are a few tips and tricks to maintaining lenses and reducing the risk of infections and injury.

  • Use contact solution. Many patients try to keep their contacts stored in water, but this is not a good idea. Contact lens solution is especially made for keeping contacts moist when they are not being worn. These solutions are available at our practice and over-the-counter at many department stores.
  • Wash your hands before handling contact lenses. Your hands can carry bacteria and viruses that can be transferred to anything you touch. Before handling contact lenses, patients should wash their hands with antibacterial soap.
  • Apply contacts before applying cosmetics. If you are wearing eyeliner, mascara, or eyeshadow, it is important to insert contact lenses into the eyes beforehand.
  • Clean the contact case regularly. After you have inserted your contact lenses, be sure to empty the case and rinse it out with warm water. Allow it to air dry before use in the evening when you remove your contact lenses.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses at night. It is never a good idea to wear contact lenses at night, as it can greatly increase the risk of a corneal infection. Instead, store contact lenses in a cleaned container every night.

Learn more about methods of caring for your contact lenses

Discuss contact lens care with the team at Marion Eye Center and Optical today by calling one of our 36 locations throughout Illinois and Missouri. We accept new patients and encourage individuals to make routine eye evaluations to ensure better vision and eye health over the course of a lifetime.

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Category: contact lenses, Optical Services

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